Adventures of Des and Cort

Shootin' Blanks

Episode 45

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This episode starts with a literal bang! Our neighbor shot off a blank in his office, and we heard everything. Nothing like a little unplanned adrenaline rush to kick things off. 😳🔫  

Our Hot Flashes this week?  
- Doing business with friends & family (aka, do we really want to lose this relationship over business)  
- Hormones making us feel like we have the IQ of a potato because we cannot find our words. 🫠  

Then, we break down our getting-ready styles: Des treats it like a marathon (with snack breaks), while Cort is locked in until every lash is in place. We got ready together for an event, and honestly? It was nostalgic AF…music, makeup, and giggling like it was 1999. 🪩✨  

Speaking of fun, Babes & Bingo in Boise was a scene. The Drag Queens turned it OUT…heels, hair, comedy, choreography. We could never. 🙌🏼 But as much as we love a good time, we’ve accepted that we want to be 42 fun, not 22 fun. Fun with a curfew. Fun, but home by 10. Fun, but in bed with our heating pads.  

And finally (because the internet never disappoints) we had to talk about the girl who got her entire head bit by a sturgeon. Like… HOW?! This is why we stay on land. 🐟🚫  

It’s chaotic, it’s hilarious, it’s a little concerning, but that’s just another week in our world. Buckle up & listen in! 🎧 

#adventuresofdesandcort #femalepodcasters #podcastlaughs #dragqueenmagic #42funnot22fun #hormonesareliars #shootinblanks

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