Adventures of Des and Cort

Prom Prep and Toddler Takedowns

April 18, 2024 adventuresofdesandcort Episode 4
Prom Prep and Toddler Takedowns
Adventures of Des and Cort
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Adventures of Des and Cort
Prom Prep and Toddler Takedowns
Apr 18, 2024 Episode 4

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Get ready for a rollercoaster of laughs and chaos! In this hilarious episode of Adventures of Des and Cort, we're diving into the madness of parenthood and the nostalgia of prom season.  From navigating the ups and downs of sending our kids off to Senior Prom to sharing our "hot flashes" of annoyance, it's a wild ride from start to finish! So grab your sequins and join us for a whirlwind of laughs, love, and a little bit of mayhem in Prom Prep and Toddler Takedowns! 

Remember to message us on our Instagram your " hot flash" of the week to be shared in an upcoming episode! 

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Instagram: @adventures_of_des_and_cort
TikTok: @adventuresofdesandcort

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Get ready for a rollercoaster of laughs and chaos! In this hilarious episode of Adventures of Des and Cort, we're diving into the madness of parenthood and the nostalgia of prom season.  From navigating the ups and downs of sending our kids off to Senior Prom to sharing our "hot flashes" of annoyance, it's a wild ride from start to finish! So grab your sequins and join us for a whirlwind of laughs, love, and a little bit of mayhem in Prom Prep and Toddler Takedowns! 

Remember to message us on our Instagram your " hot flash" of the week to be shared in an upcoming episode! 

We can't grow without your support! Do us a solid and leave a review!

Don't forget to follow and share!

Instagram: @adventures_of_des_and_cort
TikTok: @adventuresofdesandcort

Speaker 1:

Hey there, homegirls. Welcome to the Adventures of Des and Court podcast. I'm Court.

Speaker 2:

And I'm Des, and together we're the unstoppable duo who've been friends for a whopping 29 years From sharing secrets in our teenage years to navigating the ups and downs of adulthood.

Speaker 1:

We've been through it all together.

Speaker 2:

And now we're inviting you to join us as we dive into the adventures of friendship, life and everything in between. We're here to share our experiences, insights and plenty of laughs along the way From discussing the joys and challenges of career and family to exploring self-discovery and personal growth. No topic is off limits here.

Speaker 1:

We want to create a space where women of all ages can feel seen, heard and understood. So grab your favorite beverage.

Speaker 2:

Cozy up and let's embark on this journey together, because life's greatest journeys are best traveled with a friend by your side. Hey girl, hey, hey, welcome to the Adventures of Desi Court. I'm Court and I'm Desi. Well, how are you today? I'm good. How are you Good? We got some hot flashes again.

Speaker 1:

Yes, do you have yours today or do you want me to go first? I?

Speaker 2:

want you to go first. Okay, I've got a couple. Okay, so one of mine is when everything needs to be replaced or you have lots of expenses at the same time.

Speaker 2:

You know, like you have like oil change you need to dental stuff you have to get contacts you need. Or like stuff you have to get contacts you need. Or like us ladies. Lately I feel like all my makeup is gone all at the same time. That pisses me off so bad. Or all my like facial creams, which when you're in your 40s, they all are not cheap. Right, so you could do some cheap stuff. But that like night cream, oh yeah, it's not expensive or it's not cheap. Right, so you could do some cheap stuff. But that like night cream, oh yeah, it's not expensive or it's not cheap.

Speaker 1:

So then, when they all go at the same time. You're like oh yeah, and do you feel like mascara goes really quick?

Speaker 2:

yes, I hate when it gets to that clumpy thick stage.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I bought one of my favorite mascaras and you know that I'm a drugstore makeup buyer and this one always lasts a long time. I love it. I bought it and it lasted for like two weeks before it was so thick. I even like looked at it like did I grab an old one by mistake? Like what is this? And no, it was my new one, two weeks old, and it was just like mud.

Speaker 2:

I hate that, yeah, I also. I just I feel like I have a love hate relationship with mascara because you're gonna wear it. You find one that you like and you stick with it forever. I'm a drugstore mascara girl you are too, yeah, but I feel like the time that it's like the perfect consistency for your it's like one week.

Speaker 2:

You open it up and it's like too runny, it's not. You're like it'll be good in about a week, it'll be right where I want it to be right. It's good for about a week and then it's clumpy and gross yeah, like mud yeah, and so you know when you see that it is thick like that.

Speaker 1:

I don't know if you try this trick, but like I saw somewhere where you can put a couple of drops of eye drops in it and I try that, and then it's good for like two days and then it's back to shit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you're like I should have just bought it.

Speaker 2:

Just bought it, yeah, yeah, no, I feel like this week that for me that was one of the big ones we had. You know, helped Isaac he had a big down payment on his truck but helped Isaac purchase his truck and then he's going to be paying us back. But you see that go out of your savings account and you got, you know, dental stuff and you got an oil change and you need to get your dogs groomed and you're like ugh and really like the whole contact thing. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

It really just pisses me off because people are walking around seeing for free yeah, for free, for free, like we got to go every year to the eye doctor.

Speaker 2:

They should have to contribute to like a fund A fund yeah For us all to use.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, because they are so expensive. So I have to wear contacts?

Speaker 2:

I'm kidding.

Speaker 1:

I have to wear contacts for an astigmatism, yeah, which are more expensive. Those sons of bitches are like $100 a box.

Speaker 2:

And then you have and they're six pairs Dry eyes. You're going to get even older, you're going to have to have them. Dailies, I got dry eyes. Yeah, that's what I'm saying Right now.

Speaker 1:

You do the monthlies, but Right Well, they're only two weeks. Mine are because of the astigmatism, part of it Because I asked, but I'll stretch them out as long as possible. That's why I wear an eye mask during my sleep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, keep that air out of them eyes. Because we've got to have the fan on you know, yeah, stupid.

Speaker 2:

I saw some meme the other day that said something about it. Actually, I think Josh showed it to me. If you know all the words to this song, you probably need nine hours of sleep, you need some magnesium for bed, you need your weighted blanket, you need a face spritz before and you need your fan on to go to bed. And it was shoop and I was like, well, I know a lot of words to that song. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

I do too, and I think that I check almost all of those boxes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't mist my face but I wear an eye mask, I wear a mouth guard. You wear your cream, I wear my night cream, and then I have my weighted blanket and I take magnesium.

Speaker 2:

I know I was like oh shit, I feel attacked Old bitches bitches. The other one I have is how can one person gain or lose six to ten pounds of weight in a week?

Speaker 1:

it's annoying as a female I.

Speaker 2:

I mean like logically, you know, right, it's not fat, like it's water weight, but it still changes the way your clothes fit. It's so fucking annoying. And then it messes with your mind like right. And then there's the all, like you said just about like the I thing. There's these people walking around and they're like no, I'm always the same way. I'm like how yeah, like I could have. I could not drink very much water one day and, because I'm dehydrated, weigh three pounds less the next day.

Speaker 2:

Then I could drink enough water and gain six pounds right, well, and then you go. Okay, so do I feel better, hydrated and a little bloated, or do I feel better dehydrated and my pants feel big?

Speaker 1:

yeah, you know, yep, it's so dumb, it's so fucked up as a female? Yeah, because then too, like when you get closer to your cycle yeah. I told you what. So today's Thursday, I told you on Tuesday, I was like I know mine's like right there, because the pants that I wore on Friday of last week I put on on Monday and I felt violent because they fit so freaking different.

Speaker 2:

Just because of that water weight, because of the water weight and the bloating, that's annoying. Yeah, and yes, if you're wondering, des, and I do sync up, yep. It's not a myth, even though they say it is, but I don't think it is. But then I thought of a funny. Not everybody can be skinny and pretty. Some of us are chubby, with big boobs and a fat ass and I was like, yep, that's just us. You know what we're funny? We're fap, fap, funny and pretty. There you go.

Speaker 1:

We just might be a little chubby. That's okay, yeah, because I mean you hit an age where it's like you know what I'm so stressed about kids graduating and work and being the best mom, being the best you know, employee, the best friend, daughter and everything and then working out every day, being healthy and taking your vitamins and drinking enough water. Fuck yeah, it's a lot.

Speaker 2:

You know what?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I don't Kind of big ass right now, Most of the time actually, but who cares?

Speaker 2:

You live in your life.

Speaker 1:

You're healthy.

Speaker 2:

All your numbers is healthy. Yep, you can Just a little.

Speaker 1:

Your muscles healthy all your numbers is healthy.

Speaker 2:

Yep, you can just.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, your muscles, you can move your body like everything's, everything's good no, it's like when I had a doctor when I was younger I wasn't maybe 33 ish and he ordered blood work because he insisted I was diabetic, right, I remember, yeah, and so I I told I said I feel fine, like I understand the number on the scale side. But okay, you're the doctor, fine, so I go get all my blood work. I go back in he's reading over my blood work and he says, gosh, all of your blood work is excellent, your glucose and everything is wonderful. I said told you I don't have diabetes, I just have a. I'm just chubby. Yeah, I'm sorry. And he he was just so floored that everything was a good yeah, everything was good, I was like just big lady.

Speaker 1:

I'm built for the end of the world.

Speaker 2:

We're built to work in the field. We're hunters. We're not this. We're built to gather. We can carry them water pots on our head, carry them children's on our hips a couple of children's on and hips let me hear your hot flash.

Speaker 1:

So my hot flash this week is sometimes I get like a wild hair and I have naturally curly hair, and sometimes it's curlier than others, depending on what stage of life I'm in or what state, you're in State, maybe a manic episode?

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean like physical state. What do you mean? Mississippi to Idaho? Oh yeah, state, yeah, yep.

Speaker 1:

That's for sure. So when I go visit family in the South I wear my hair curly all the time, because there's no with that humidity, like there's no use in even trying for me. So, I throw some gel in it and I'm good. So the other day, Monday, no it was yesterday.

Speaker 1:

So yesterday I get up and I'm like I'm'm gonna wear my hair curly because it'll be quick. I think I added probably 30 to 45 minutes on to getting ready because it wasn't laying right. And so then you're instant pissed off, instant pissed. And then I look at the clock and I'm like well, I can't get a rush, yeah, I can't get.

Speaker 1:

Look at the clog and I'm like well, I can't get Feeling like you got a rush. Yeah, I can't get back in the shower and wash it out. So now I'm committed to my curly hair. But it was like the roots weren't curly but the bottom was. It was being funky. It was kind of frizzy in places, like there was no, no uniformityity of it. It just pissed you off, pissed me off and I'm like it's okay, it's still a little damp, like I'm gonna head to work.

Speaker 2:

So I get to work and I catch myself in the mirror and I'm pissed all over again, and so I and when she means pissed, I mean she was hot like I couldn't think about anything else, so annoyed and you can see it all over her face. She had to get this fixed, or she. She was going home for the day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I was even. I was so into it that I I couldn't think about anything else.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Courtney came in, I could barely even say hi to her or anything, because I was in the process of trying to fix my stupid ass hair, trying to put it up. So I put it up. Didn't look right. I took it back down. It wasn't laying right. Like you can't part my hair curly in the middle. No, especially after you've already Like fucking Krusty the Clown or something.

Speaker 2:

It went that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so go through. I'm irritated by it and then I'm like I'm going to do the Snooki bump.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So I do the Snooki bump.

Speaker 2:

I liked it. I thought it looked cute. I looked like a Pomeranian with a Snooki bump A Shih Tzu, that's what she kept saying. I look like I'm gonna drive by in a car and bark at you at the window.

Speaker 1:

Yeah I look like my mom's fucking shih tzu sadie with her hair pulled back. Yes, and I couldn't get past it, but I don't understand. It looked cute you're just being a best friend now you. It really did look cute. Well, it wasn't working for me.

Speaker 2:

You did, well though I was, honestly I thought you was going to go home If I didn't have that lunch appointment, If I didn't have that lunch appointment, I definitely would have been like I'll see you tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

I'm too pissed to be here and like to really think about that. How shallow, not shallow. How stupid to let your hair dictate your entire mood for the day.

Speaker 2:

At least you saw that and you didn't let it.

Speaker 1:

No, but you know what? I did when I got home last night after we had that meeting, you took a shower. I got in the shower and I washed that shit and I'm wearing it straight today.

Speaker 2:

Scrubbed it hard because you were pissed off at it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so I mean, maybe next time I try it it'll do what it's supposed to do. Hopefully We'll see. So Can you believe this weekend is prom.

Speaker 2:

I can't, and it's their senior prom.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so Isaac and Sophia are seniors, so senior prom is Saturday and then next big event is graduation.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

It's really crazy to think about.

Speaker 2:

It's bittersweet so we're not crying every day, but if we think of something we might get some tears in our eyes. We're excited for them too. It's just a chapter that's ending in it, and it is sad as a mom.

Speaker 1:

And I'm excited for them, Me too, and I'm excited to have that kind of adult relationship with them, you know, and see them flourish and stuff like that. But it is kind of sad to close that chapter of you as a mom, you know. But I mean they always need you, blah, blah, blah, but it's just weird.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's a different chapter, like you're saying. For sure, I have Adriana, so I know a little bit, yeah, what that one's gonna look like, I think. But I think, as a with a boy, most girls, I think, stick close to their mom, and boys love their mamas, but they just don't need you as much right? So I'm gonna annoy the fuck out of him, make him hang out with me or text me.

Speaker 1:

And he'll tell you too. Oh for sure, like Mom, you're driving me crazy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. But then the minute you stop driving him crazy, he's going to be like Mom, Wait a second yeah, no, I won't be overbearing, but I'm going to make you talk to me while you're at school.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you can't just ghost me no, and I want to hear from you, yeah, every day, even if it's just a text. Yeah, just a good morning, or, yeah, good night. Yeah, I want to know you're safe. Yep, so he's going with a group of friends yeah, he's gonna go.

Speaker 2:

He's got a good group of guy friends that he's. He's only gone to one other dance this whole time. He was not gonna go, but these group of guy friends said come on, dude, we're like three of them don't have girlfriends either, so they're all gonna. They got a limo and they're gonna go to Boise and go out to eat and then they're gonna come back here, go to prom and I'm not sure after that, yeah, what will happen. But I'm just glad that they pushed him to go, because I think that that's, I don't know, a memory that you'll have forever with your, with your buds, yeah, I think that's cool.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love hearing that there's more kids going as friends. Yes to to go enjoy it versus being like oh. I don't have anyone to take me.

Speaker 2:

I can't go, you know.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going like yep, you don't always have to be attached to somebody to go have fun, agreed, so yeah, and sofas going with she's going with a group of girlfriends and they are borrowing my mom car. That's exciting, yeah, and so they'll go to dinner in Boise. Yeah, and then to the dance. And you know she's like so can I hang out after? Like well, like I want to know where you are and you know and it's just so funny because it's like eventually they're really not even going to have to ask.

Speaker 2:

No, like here really soon. Honestly, josh was like Isaac's 18. He doesn't have to ask us. I was like he lives in my house.

Speaker 1:

And then I was like you sound like your parents.

Speaker 2:

It's funny how that happens.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I was thinking Soph might not go. You know happens. Yeah, I was.

Speaker 2:

I was thinking soph might not go you know um, but when she wanted to go dress shopping.

Speaker 1:

I was like okay she's gonna go.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad she loves to dress up.

Speaker 1:

She does, she's like her mama dress yep, she's always been like that. She went through a little phase where she didn't really like dresses, but she's, she's come around. She really enjoys dressing up and hanging out with us when we do our old lady stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I love that. I love that her and Isaac have come with us to that for the past couple years. Des and I were talking kids-wise today. I feel like they hit an age too where they just you still love them, but they're almost setting you up because it's like they are trying to make it easier for you to let go of that chapter. Yeah, Because and you know, they're going through a lot right now Like their lives are changing, Like it's just a big change. They're almost done with school and they want to be done with school, but they can be major assholes.

Speaker 1:

Oh my God, yeah with school, but they can be major assholes oh my god, yeah. And then you call them out on it and they're like no, I'm not, yeah, what, yeah you are if I hear a one more time I'm going to lose my mind or an eye roll or a stop to my room.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, um, but they. It is funny because people are like, well, they're setting you up, um, to make it easier for them to leave, and it's like, even if they are dickheads, yes, I want to choke them some days I still don't think it makes it easier yeah but we wanted to do maybe a little bit of our adventure.

Speaker 2:

Talk today on the kids and some different things that we did to them oh, man and motherhood, our adventures in motherhood, yeah, so when Isaac was little I don't know if it, I think it was Josh that started it sometimes he'd get to the point where he would just cry for no reason or be scared of something, and we would, you know, push him. This is kind of mean, because we could have given him maybe a little bit of time to show his emotions. But you know what? We were raised by boomers and told to suck it up. And we gave some time and then said now suck it up. Yeah, I'm going to help you for a minute, yep. So what we would do is we would tell him we were going to call the wambulance and he would immediately he thought somebody was coming basically to arrest him, to take him away.

Speaker 2:

He's about four, if he didn't suck it up right now I'm calling an ambulance, he'd be like, no, it just goes back to your call to cops. Yep, yep, I want somebody to come. Save the day is what I want. This kid will not stop crying, so yeah, anytime he would be crazy, we would say, um a mccaulda wambulance.

Speaker 1:

One of my favorite stories was soph as esmeralda, oh yeah so I was single mom for quite a while when she was little, and so I mean, like you said, sometimes you're just like. I want somebody to make this stop yeah so we come up with things and you try to talk them through it, and but eventually I don't know, maybe I'm sure we're gonna get a lot of shit for this and people are gonna think that we're mean or maybe they have done it too, but like, let's just be real, sometimes you're like I cannot handle this.

Speaker 1:

So we were at my mom's for Easter and Sophia was probably five and she was going through this phase where she was so competitive like everything was a competition, you know, and you want them to be competitive, but you also want them to think of others yeah yeah, so it's just her and my nephew joseph, and they are hunting easter eggs.

Speaker 1:

Well, sophia is a girl, so she looks for things differently than boys. Yes, we know, this is mothers. We know this is wives, right? Well, that's not in there. I'll be there in two seconds and find it in one second. Yeah, and we. I mean it's just, it's the uterus, I guess. So she is just like smoking. Joseph, like got one, got one. I'm like, oh my god. And joseph's so like he's having a good time, but he's starting to get irritated because his little shit's running around the yard with a basket full of easter eggs, yeah she's.

Speaker 2:

Is she physically or is she like actually saying every time got one? Yeah, so every time she's getting one too? He's stopping in his tracks from looking, going like what the fuck yeah?

Speaker 1:

like slow down, I'm telling my sister, I'm like I'm sorry, like sophia, sophia, give Joseph a minute, you know. And then he starts catching on too. But then Sophia's ticked because he's catching on and now he's finding more. So she was just such a shit that day and I just remember it so vividly and I'm like I'm trying to enjoy easter and like it's supposed to be fun. Stop being so crazy desiree, but I had had enough, yeah it was a nightmare that day.

Speaker 1:

She didn't like her hair she didn't like this, just everything. So we get in the car and we're heading home and she was in the back seat running her mouth at me and I said sophia, that is enough, she keeps going. Mike, I'm gonna take you to esmeralda's house. She's like who's esmeralda? And I said she's a lady that takes kids that are naughty and don't listen to their parents.

Speaker 1:

Well, this neighborhood I knew that there was a house that had to have been in foreclosure right had like a chain link fence around the front yard, had the real tall weed and like a kid's bike you know, it looked kind of like movie scene, yeah.

Speaker 1:

And so I pull up to this house. She goes why are you stopping? I said I told you I was taking you to esmeralda's house, get out. And she goes where. I said, right there, get out. And she's in a booster seat and she goes. No, I said get out of my car. And I got out of my car. God, this is so terrible. I am really sounding terrible. I get out of my car and I opened the back door. I said, unbuckle, come on. I told you to get out. You're going to esmeralda's house, mom, I promise I'm gonna listen. I said, okay, well, she lives here. And just now I will bring you back.

Speaker 1:

I will bring you back, so it was like a solid year yeah I would be like do you want to go to Esmeralda's? Yeah, and she would straighten right up.

Speaker 2:

I mean, sometimes you got to use something to get them when they just are not.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I needed some help. Yes, because that was a strong-willed child. Yeah, she still is.

Speaker 2:

She is.

Speaker 1:

She is To the core.

Speaker 2:

That's funny because we would do that too. Pick up the phone, I'm going to call the ambulance or open the door. If we heard sirens, we would say I would say, your house was tight for that and I was like what are you doing? If we heard the ambulance, he would freak, he would Gone. Oh, poor kid Adriana. We told her that there was fashion police, fashion police. Yeah, that there was fashion police, fashion police yeah.

Speaker 2:

So she thought if she wore something that was not good together at all, we'd be like the fashion police are going to come and she'd be like what Are you serious? I just thought we're dicks. We're dicks.

Speaker 1:

Thinking about it, we're like God. I hope I haven't traumatized my child. But we definitely built them some damn good character we did. They're all funny, they are I mean, they say, that's a trauma response.

Speaker 2:

So maybe that's what this podcast. And the cycle continues, continues, oh my god creative parenting yes, do so. Do you remember going to prom at all?

Speaker 1:

yes, I do. So I went, you know, like we've talked about, when I switched schools. I I didn't make a ton of friends, what I was just trying to get through that new school and I didn't make a ton of friends. I was just trying to get through that new school and I didn't have a date to prom. But I had a friend through the restaurant working with my mom. He was stationed in Mountain Home, he was 19, maybe 20. And I turned 18 November of our senior year, so I was an older senior anyway.

Speaker 1:

But he found out that nobody was taking me and he took me oh, yeah, so and it was just one of those, like you went to check, to go. Yeah, you know you didn't really go. Have fun, if you think about it yeah, and it just felt like it you had to. I wish I was in a different spot mentally at that time. But yeah, I have like the prom pictures and stuff like that and you know the big dress, yeah, with the butterflies in my hair, yes, you remember those clips?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, hell, yeah, did you go? I never went to prom, but I do my junior prom. I went shopping for a dress but then I found out I was pregnant. Oh shit, yeah. So we took the dress back and my grandma had bought it for me. We took the dress back and I got some maternity clothes. Oh man, I know my senior year I was basically out of school because I finished that second semester at home. But looking back on it, like after listening to you say that, like you know, you went with somebody that you kind of knew, I I honestly feel like going with friends is the way to go. Yeah, like I'm so excited for our kids because you, you'll have so many more core memories instead of just getting dressed. Going to dinner, right. Going to this dance, right. Well then, going home, yeah, and like whoever asks you or whatever.

Speaker 1:

Then you spend the night like worrying, like if, unless you're in a relationship, right, then, you spend the night worrying like I don't really like this guy, but does he like me?

Speaker 2:

am I making it weird?

Speaker 1:

am I leading this kid?

Speaker 2:

on, you know.

Speaker 1:

I I could totally see that happening. So excited for our kids me too. I told Soph that Isaac was going with a group of friends, as well and that they should meet up.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, they should yeah. I love them, me too.

Speaker 1:

So have you been watching the news or anything lately? You?

Speaker 2:

know me. I know I watch some news, but I get all my news on Artstagrams. Yeah, what do you see?

Speaker 1:

so far.

Speaker 2:

I got some Gram news. Let's hear it. What would you call that? Gram news Newsgram. I don't know I need to come up with a nickname. I love me a nickname. Yeah, you sure do I need to come up with a good one for that Bitch-ass Jessica. Yes, and that is not pointed at any Jessica's wheel. That's just. If somebody's being an asshole, I might call you bitch-ass, jessica she called me bitch-ass Jessica, so Coburger me bitch ass.

Speaker 2:

Jessica Coburger, I saw, I want to say this morning, I saw that he's come up with this new alibi and the judge made him made the defense actually state what the alibi is Like. Quit hiding it. If you're going to have this alibi at trial, you need to tell us what it is Right. Did you see this at all? No, have this alibi at trial, you need to tell us what it is right. Did you see this at all? No, the alibi is that he's an avid hiker and runner. Before he came to the university of idaho, and because he was ingrained and had so much going on with school, he changed from being an avid hiker and runner to an a long driver. That was something he did, so he would go on these long drives at night and take pictures of the sky, the moon and the stars so how in the hell do you even like try to say those are the same thing?

Speaker 1:

I don't know like you go from heavy physical activity to driving around and taking pictures.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, to release stress, you know, taking a long. I like a long drive, but I've always liked a long drive. I am not an avid runner and I'm not gonna try to link the two.

Speaker 2:

No, that just sounds crazy. So then, right, you're like, okay, like anybody's going to see this and go. That's ridiculous. Right, how are they going to get a jury or somebody to be like, well, maybe They've got some expert that's going to come in and say that he did not go? I want to say he didn't go east, he went west. But I could be wrong there. I can't remember if it was west or east. He went the other way. Based on his phone and he's got night sky pictures in his phone from the moon and the stars and you can see pings that he went a different way.

Speaker 1:

Right in the stars and you can see pings that he went a different way right, but you gotta wonder how accurate some of those pings are right. Yeah, it's like every once in a while you said your phone pings that you're in salt lake all the time tells like.

Speaker 2:

I go to google and I say, can you pull up restaurants near me? And it's like restaurants in Salt Lake.

Speaker 1:

City and mine's, mine pings to Seattle, yeah, so I mean I'm sure you know in the whole forensic side of it they can get into his phone and see exactly where the phone was.

Speaker 2:

Right, but, and they said he turned it off at one point.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, he was turned off during the murder. Yeah, so is that part of his yeah relaxation?

Speaker 2:

I just was like our like as a parent, listening to that, it would infuriate me like, are you? Fucking kidding me yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1:

in the there's dna evidence on the sheath Mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

Like he wore gloves at his parents' house to clean out his car, Right? Why are you doing that? Yeah, Like you idiot.

Speaker 1:

Hmm, no, I hadn't seen that. That's interesting, though I was annoyed. I went from a runner to a driver.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Runner and hiker too. I like to drive Far. I was out that night. Nobody can corroborate my story, but I was out that night taking pictures of the sky and you can see that in my phone.

Speaker 1:

What a weirdo. Yeah, and the creepy thing to me is that he was studying criminology. Yeah, yeah, it was University of Washington. He went to Pullman, yeah, so like weird, I know Weird. Yeah, I'd be super pissed if I was a parent.

Speaker 2:

I just was so annoyed when I read that, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Even a juror like yeah, you're grasping Right.

Speaker 2:

You really think everybody is this fucking stupid Like stop already, Right.

Speaker 1:

I wouldn't be good in a jury room. Me either I wouldn't.

Speaker 2:

They would never pick us though.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, for sure They'd be like these bitches are 10 pounds crazy and a five pound sack.

Speaker 2:

We are too opinionated and we'd be like pick me, pick me, yeah, I want to do it. They'd be like, pick me, pick me, yeah, I want to do it.

Speaker 1:

They'd be like they're too eager yep eager beavers no, you may not did you see that last night? All those 9-1-1 outages I did. It's like multiple states, the chinaman, yeah. Well, I mean they are trying to be on tiktok right now.

Speaker 2:

So they could be saying that we're gonna show you so I don't know why china scares me. Yeah, because of their intelligence. I also read, but I'll bring that up in a second. That's a add. Yeah, how many states was it?

Speaker 2:

so I originally saw four, but you were saying that there were more I think so like south dakota, nebraska, nevada I saw florida had some and iowa, florida had some and Iowa had some. I think there might have even been another one in there. It's just wild to think, well, and they push now that they're wanting, like cities, to be prepared in case cellular power water outages are happening, to be prepared. I went home yesterday and I asked josh after that do you think that we should get a generator for our?

Speaker 1:

house dude totally crossed my mind. And have you seen that you can buy a pmf bag for it? Don't even know what pmf stands for but you were.

Speaker 2:

You sold me. I'm like, what the fuck's a pmf bag? I need it.

Speaker 1:

I think so I I don't know if it like blocks certain waves, oh, I'm not sure, but like the one thing I was watching, because you know me, I fixate.

Speaker 1:

I'm reading the story, but I fixate on one section of it yeah, like maybe a few facts and then I'm like bored, so like don't ever write me a long story because I can't so this, my guess, is this pmf bag like protects the generator from people like hacking it, or I don't even know, I would assume it's something to protect it. Generators areators are hackable too. I feel like everything is Scary. Yeah, like you're alert, so that be turning off your lights, you won't have to go back to flipping your own switches.

Speaker 2:

Not if the power's out. I won't need that generator to kick her in. I'm okay. I only have one light it turns on. It's my lamp.

Speaker 1:

Is that the one that you're always calling out when you're leaving the house and we're on the phone? Yeah, alexa, turn off second light or first light.

Speaker 2:

You said second light. I love it.

Speaker 1:

Whichever one she's shouting, she's walking through the house. I could just picture. I don't even know why, but I'm not there with you.

Speaker 2:

I hear your shoes clocking. Alexa, turn off first light.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's shouting orders to everyone in the house the alexa the light switches and around christmas time. Yeah, alexa, turn off christmas. That's my husband, dolly kennel. Like it's amazing. I don't know why. I just picture you with like a bag on your arm.

Speaker 2:

I'm the jetsons, I'm modern day.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, jetsons, you are what was jetson's wife's name?

Speaker 2:

oh, god I don't remember.

Speaker 1:

It was george, and what the hell was her name? I don't remember look her up. You're're useless.

Speaker 2:

I know George.

Speaker 1:

Make yourself useful, jetson, isn't it? Jane? I don't know.

Speaker 2:

George and Jane Jane.

Speaker 1:

Jetson. That sounds right. Hold on, let me see what the Googler says Jane Jetson, george and Jane Jetson. So I put in Jane Jetson and it says Jane Jetson's birthday, like Google even knows. Google's, like I'll give you her birthday. It says did Jane Jetson have Judy at 17? That was me, the questions that I am you are Jane Jetson, I am Jane. The questions people be asking Google.

Speaker 2:

Your modern day. Yeah, your modern day, jane Jetson Yep.

Speaker 1:

Turn off Christmas.

Speaker 2:

Turn off Christmas Makes it real easy.

Speaker 1:

All I need to hear is your janitor keys clinking.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, Ding, ding, ding ding. That's my favorite, Doesn't I like to pick on each other? Oh for sure, If she's not picking on me, I'm like I think she's mad. So she calls my keys janitor keys, because I have so many useless keys on my key ring and then I've had some other stuff on there that would jingle. I'd like I pick them up and it jangle, jangles.

Speaker 1:

To be fair, there was a day I pop quizzed her because I was like there's no way you know what all these keys are for, and so we had a pop quiz.

Speaker 2:

She knew what they were for yeah, except for two, maybe two of them or something. Yeah, um, but now, anything I can get on that key chain, key chain, I'm gonna put on it. Somebody gave us a tape, oh my God, and added it to the janitor keys.

Speaker 1:

And so I mean they're getting real legit.

Speaker 2:

I got a screw.

Speaker 1:

I need to get you one of those carabiner things so you can hook it to your belt loop. Shut the fuck up. Do it so it can bounce off that hip.

Speaker 2:

Yes, oh my gosh. Okay, back to it. We were talking about the 911 outages.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

What was I going to tell you?

Speaker 1:

You were asking, josh, if you should get a generator for the house.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yeah, but I think there was one other thing on that page. No, you're fine, but I did. I asked Josh if we could get a generator and he goes. I mean we can, but we wouldn't need one. We could just load up in the camper and go to the mountains and hide. I'm like hmm. I can do that, but you'd have to come down and get more gas. Yeah, because we'd have to. Oh he goes, we got solar yeah.

Speaker 1:

You just can't run ac on your solar, so you just have to sweat my ass off hopping and hopping on a lake, getting the lake long as I'm safe, right, I'm good.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but there was one more thing on that page, that news page I was going to tell you about and I can't remember. Now let me think about it that Real News, no Bullshit, or Instagram page, or Instagram.

Speaker 1:

Anything strike your fancy.

Speaker 2:

Mm-hmm, let me see. Oh yes, this is what I was going to talk about. The congressional report alleges that china is to blame for our fentanyl crisis, isn't that?

Speaker 1:

weird yeah, let me tell you do you think they're displacing the blame?

Speaker 2:

I don't know, I don't know because, according to a report released by the house select committee on china's communist party, the chinese communist party has played a significant role in the global fentanyl crisis by subsidizing the production and export of materials used in the drugs manufacturer. Are they reaching?

Speaker 1:

that's what I wonder, though, like, because if you think about it like the tiktok ban, through china. Trying to push blame on the chinese weather balloons that have gone into our airspace. Yeah, like are they trying to place blame on china when it's not just yeah, no, I told I mean a lot.

Speaker 2:

That 9-1-1 outage is like those could have been fucking planned too. We're not conspiracy theorists over here, but I just feel like you never know, yeah, which is why, then, I don't want to watch the news. I just want to be in my happy bubble and I know people think that that's ignorant.

Speaker 1:

But no, I don't think so. I think, think, if you're like consuming some news just enough to be aware, versus only consuming news so that you're spiraling and thinking like the world is ending. I don't think it's ignorant. I think it's protecting your mental health and you know what, if shit goes down, you'll figure it out Exactly. I feel like that's the code we live by, you, and I yeah, absolutely it goes down, I'll figure it out.

Speaker 2:

Yep we are we sure, do live by that but like we'll see, we'll see so well, it's nice chatting with you guys today. We will see you next week see you later, home girls.

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